The main aim of the second paragraph is to show that(). 材料
  Passage Three
  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.
  With technological advances, the first half of the twentieth century saw a movement of workers away from agricultural to industrial production. The second half saw a movement from industrial production to services. So far, technological advances have not reduced our need for service workers. But what would happen if advances in artificial intelligence(AI) should greatly increase the productivity of service workers, as suggested by the following scene?
  Andrea calls the doctor's office with a medical concern. The doctor's automated telephone system, in a friendly and personal voice, asks her a series of questions. Based on Andrea's answers and in consultation with her insurer's claim system, the doctor's system directs her to a neighborhood lab for tests. At the lab, another automated system performs the prescribed tests, makes a diagnosis, and provides the appropriate medication, all while in contact with Andrea’s insurer. As the service is completed, the insurer pays the cost of the service. Andrea signs for any co-payment, to be paid automatically from her bank account. Heading home, Andrea was happily spared from long waits and a hurried contact with the doctor.
  To anticipate the realization of such a scene and its timing we should watch the industries with the most potential for early application of AI. These would be where services are already provided at a distance (airline reservations were an early example). Once widespread in these industries, AI will have built the necessary level of trust and acceptance to move into more and more service industries.
  The critical issue now is that such changes could lead to considerable reduction in service jobs at a time when people will want to(or need to) work longer. Services in the first half of the twenty-first century might thus resemble manufacturing in the second half of the twentieth century, with considerable unemployment and significant incentives (诱因) for early retirement. If we are to minimize the panic, we need first to see it coming.

The main aim of the second paragraph is to show that().

A. AI will make services more efficient
B. more humans are available for services
C. medical payment involves a complex process
D. several doctors are needed in a medical diagnosis

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