





试卷介绍: 2023年成考专升本英语考试试卷及答案已经整理好,需要备考的朋友们赶紧来刷题吧!



  • 1. 在下列这组单词中,有一个单词的括号部分【s】与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。  





  • 2. 在下列这组单词中,有一个单词的括号部分【ch】与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。  





  • 3. 在下列这组单词中,有一个单词的括号部分【b】与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。  





  • 4. 在下列这组单词中,有一个单词的括号部分【a】与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。  





  • 5. 在下列这组单词中,有一个单词的括号部分【our】与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同。找出这个词。  





  • 1. The world will be different,and we have to be prepared to______to the change.  





  • 2. Not only the students but also their foreign teacher______watching romantic movies.  



    Cto enjoy


  • 3. The mayor said that the development would not have any bad______upon wildlife in the area.  





  • 4. John has no idea______this dog has been following him all the way.  





  • 5. The committee insisted that the proposal______without delay.  

    Abe discussed

    Bto be discussed

    Cis discussed

    Dis to be discussed

  • 6. You______hand in your paper on Monday or you will lose 10 percent of your final score.  





  • 7. The university's academic board will______this issue first before coming to a decision.  

    Alook up

    Blook after

    Clook for

    Dlook into

  • 8. She had been taking singing lessons since she was a child and was______in winning the competition.  





  • 9. The girl spent as much time in watching TV as she() in studying.





  • 10. An estimated 50.000 farmers______he new method by the end of this year.  

    Aare adopting

    Bhave adopted

    Cwill have adopted

    Dhave been adopting

  • 11. I have a very busy work schedule,and have almost no time to______to bodybuilding.  





  • 12. ______a great dancer,Diana often receives invitations to give performances in different countries.  

    AHas been



    DTo be

  • 13. Nancy has been reading a long novel______the past two weeks.  





  • 14. The journey to the lake was terrible,but after we______there,we had a wonderful time  

    Ahave arrived

    Bcould arrive

    Cwould arrive

    Dhad arrived

  • 15. My elder sister says I can borrow her newly-bought dress for parties______ I like.  





  • Who have the keener sense of smell,dogs or humans?Most of us would 21 the dog's nose is much more sensitive than man's.After all,dogs are used to 22 criminals,and the police sometimes use dogs to smell out drugs. The 23 is that your nose is probably as sensitive as any dog's 24 you were trained to use your nose 25 .And since your brain is much better than the dog's,you would be much 26 to fool than a dog would be.However,if you wanted to 27 someone's smell,you would have to crawl(爬行) about 28 your hands and knees with your nose to the 29 as the dog does. In its own way,however,your nose is as sensitive to 30 smells as your ear is to the softest of sounds.Most wine companies employ professional tasters who 31 the quality of their products. These tasters take very small amounts of the 32 ,and roll it around in their mouths while 33 chewing movements.This“mouthing”of the liquid forces the air up the back entrance to the nasal cavity (鼻腔)toward the olfactory membrane(嗅觉粘膜),a place 34 smells can best be caught. If the wine suits their taste(actually,if it suits their smell),they may nod 35

    1. 21题答案是()。  





  • 2. 22题答案是()。  

    Atrack down

    Blook at

    Ccalm down

    Dknock at

  • 3. 23题答案是()。  





  • 4. 24题答案是()。  





  • 5. 25题答案是()。  





  • 6. 26题答案是()。  





  • 7. 27题答案是()。  





  • 8. 28题答案是()。  





  • 9. 29题答案是()。  





  • 10. 30题答案是()。  





  • 11. 31题答案是()。  





  • 12. 32题答案是()。  





  • 13. 33题答案是()。  





  • 14. 34题答案是()。  





  • 15. 35题答案是()。  





  • Passage One My mother raised me with several fixed rules.One was that a gentleman always has a clean handkerchief in his rear (后面的)pocket.I can recall being a ten-year-old on the school playground, feeling the piece of cloth directly over my bottom and wondering what it was there for.Time would tell. Every night for most of my life,I have removed from my trousers the things I'm going to need the next day—keys,wallet,and handkerchief.After 60 years,my body weight feels wrong if I'm heading out of the house with an empty back pocket. This rule of behavior,of course,did not apply to one's children in the late 20th century.When my three kids were growing up,they all let me know that my handkerchief was ridiculously old-fashioned. They had their arguments.If you have to be prepared every day for a cold,why not carry a little packet of tissues,which saves you from that disgusting (恶心的)business of blowing your nose in the thing and then stuffing it back in your trousers? But a handkerchief is a lot more durable(耐用的) than tissue,creates no waste,and has a far wider variety of uses.One reason my kids saw that handkerchief so often is because of the large number of chocolate mouths and skinned knees that handkerchief wiped.Can you hold the handle of a boiling pot with a tissue?Now that I am a grandfather of five,my handkerchief again has been put to use.When friends become grandfathers for the first time,I often send them a dozen handkerchiefs as a small gift.In fact,for Father's D.ay last year my wife gave me several new handkerchiefs.Neither of us can count the number of times she was in tears at a movie and said quietly’"Can I borrow your handkerchief?"

    1. Which of the following is true about the writer when he was a ten-year-old?  

    AHe wanted to become a gentleman.

    BHe didn't get along with his mother well.

    CHe didn't know the uses of a handkerchief.

    DHe thought his mother's rules old-fashioned.

  • 2. How did the writer's kids react to his handkerchief?  

    AThey thought he should get rid of it.

    BThey convinced him of its ridiculous trouble.

    CThey argued with him about its harmful effect.

    DThey assured him it would be replaced by tissues.

  • 3. Why does the writer use the underlined quotation from his wife in the last paragraph?  

    ATo express gratitude for his wife's gift.

    BTo indicate that his wife was easily moved.

    CTo demonstrate a role of handkerchiefs in life.

    DTo show a change of attitude towards handkerchiefs.

  • 4. What is the best title for the passage?  

    AHandkerchief:A Family Tie 

    BHandkerchief:A Gift for Grandfathers

    CHandkerchief:Old-fashioned but Useful

    DHandkerchief:Necessary for Gentlemen

  • Passage Two Ask any group of parents to describe their eighth graders (八年级学生),and you’ll get a surprising—and often contradictory—range of responses.Eighth graders are often quiet and shy,yet they're often loud and frank.They keep pushing you away,yet they're still deeply influenced by everything you say and do.They can make a perfectly reasonable argument as to why they should be allowed to date,yet they can't seem to understand your perfectly reasonable argument for why they should wait.They want to be individuals,yet they want desperately to fit in. Welcome to the eighth grade!Your child is now a full-grown teenager,and she'll experience great physical,emotional,and intellectual(智力的)changes during this dramatic year.As she moves from childhood to adulthood (成年),she'll begin to look like a young woman,and she'll begin to struggle for the independence of adulthood,for which she's not quite ready yet.Your teenager will experience changes and feel emotions she won't always understand.As a result,she'll sometimes feel a little lost or scared,and often very confused as she struggles to figure out who she is and who she wants to be. That is where you come in.As much as your eighth grader may push you away,as much as you may feel she doesn't want you around,she does want you to be involved in her life.She needs you to know what's happening to her and around her,especially in school where she may face pressure to fit in and where she'll face a curiculum that challenges her developing reasoning skills.As the saying goes, “Little kids,little problems;big kids,big problems.”And your big kid will need you to help her work those problems out.

    5. Which of the following statements about eighth graders is true?  

    AThey fit into society well.

    BThey show conflicting characters.

    CThey push each other away.

    DThey become increasingly reasonable.

  • 6. Why is an eighth grader's life so dramatic?  

    AShe has many roles to play.

    BShe is losing her independence.

    CShe has become a grown-up woman.

    DShe is experiencing many changes.

  • 7. For whom is the passage written?  

    AEighth graders'parents.

    BEighth graders’doctors.

    CEighth graders'teachers.

    DEighth graders themselves.

  • 8. What is the writer most probably going to do next?  

    ATo criticize eighth graders.

    BTo introduce a famous teacher.

    CTo discuss the curent educational policy.

    DTo explain how to help eighth graders.

  • Passage Three Many years ago,when I was working in a school in Buenos Aires,I was required to teach Macbeth to a class of Spanish-speaking schoolboys.I was a bit worried at being given such a task,because Shakespeare's language is not always easy,even for the native speaker.The language of Macbeth is particularly rich and strange to the modern reader.I myself had seen and read the play for the first time at an early age,and had been carried away by the story.So,I decided to concentrate first on the action and plot,and as far as possible let the language take care of itself. I read the play to my students,scene by scene,taking the different parts myself.I did not let my pupils read it aloud for themselves,as I thought they lacked necessary experience and skill to benefit from this.At the end of each scene,I saw to it that everybody understood what had happened,and we briefly summarized this in writing.After this,I went through the scene again,explaining those language points that might prevent essential comprehension,and then I read the scene straight through once more. This was not a very exciting approach.The pupils'participation was largely pasive.I was in fact doing most of the work.However,when we had gone through about half of the play in this manner,I discovered to my great surprise that the class had taken the book home and finished it for themselves. Through my efforts,they had woken up to the idea that the story was exciting,and wanted to know how it turned out in the end. We went ahead and finished the play,working more rapidly,and went on to discuss and read parts of the play again,focusing on the characters,plots,themes,etc.Without noticing it,we did a lot of practice in oral and written English.

    9. What made the teaching of Macbeth a worrying task?  

    AThe story is very boring.

    BThe teacher hadn't read the play.

    CShakespeare's language is difficult.

    DThe students hadn't watched the play.

  • 10. When did the language of Macbeth start to be dealt with?  

    ABefore the teacher read the play.

    BAfter the pupils read the play aloud.

    CAfter the pupils understood the plot.

    DBefore the teacher explained the writing skills.

  • 11. What surprised the teacher greatly?  

    AThe pupils started to learn actively.

    BThe pupils summarized the plot orally.

    CThe pupils began to enjoy the language.

    DThe pupils became very excited in class.

  • 12. What can be learned from the teaching practice in the passage?  

    AGroup work is useful for learning a language.

    BGood teachers focus on teaching language points.

    CShakespeare's plays are suitable for foreign students.

    DProper teaching methods might arouse pupils'interest.

  • Passage Four In their recent book,“Wildhood,”Harvard biologist Barbara Natterson-Horowitz and science journalist Kathryn Bowers point out that adolescent( 青 春 期 的 ) animals and human teenagers go through the same sorts of challenges.With little life experience,adolescent animals engage in dangerous but beneficial behaviors.For example,they watch,smell and learn about the animals that eat them, gathering all kinds of information that can keep them safer as adults.Similarly,human teenagers try to have as many experiences as they can before they leave the nest. Another key aspect of adolescents is the amount of time they spend in groups.This period is marked by peak levels of peer( 同 伴 )pressure and near-disaster.Scientists have found that adolescents of all kinds tend to make dangerous moves while with peers.Laurence Steinberg,a psychology professor,set up two experiments.One involved mice,half of which were adolescents,drinking alcoholic water.In the other experiment,human teenagers played a driving video game.The results were surprisingly similar.“We found that in the presence of peers,adolescent mice drank more than they do when they're alone,”Steinberg said.The teenagers in the driving study also took more risks when others were around.Just knowing there were other teenagers watching appeared to make the one behind the wheel act more carelessly.These findings reveal another adolescent quality:the desire to socialize."For the most part,adolescents like to be with other adolescents,”Steinberg said. While writing the book,both Natterson-Horowitz and Bowers were raising a human teenager in their homes.Their desire to understand the wild was driven by wanting to understand their own children.

    13. What do adolescent animals and human teenagers have in common?  

    AThey like to stay in the nest for safety.

    BThey are interested in the adult world.

    CThey are good at gathering information.

    DThey tend to take risks to gain experience.

  • 14. What is found in Steinberg's experiments about peer pressure?  

    AAdolescent mice take fewer risks in a peer group.

    BAdolescent mice drink more when they are alone.

    CTeenagers drive more carelessly with peers around.

    DTeenagers play more video games with their friends.

  • 15. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “socialize”in Paragraph 2?  

    ALive alone.

    BHelp each other.

    CTake responsibilities.

    DSpend time with others.

  • 16. Why did Natterson-Horowitz and Bowers write the book?  

    ATo better educate human teenagers.

    BTo better understand their own children.

    CTo research on adolescent peer pressure.

    DTo get to know adolescent drinking problem.

  • Passage Five Americans like to be straightforward when it comes to getting to know someone.Their personal questions might seem offensive in some cultures.For example,“Where did you go to school?”might annoy an Englishman,because the answer reveals his social status.Here,it is simply an attempt to speed up the getting-to-know-you process. While many Americans are very well-traveled,they"re in the minority.D.on"t be offended if a comment about your country or culure seems insulting—it"s usually just a lack of information,and a gentle correction will be well accepted.What if the conversation goes wrong to a topic that you find private,such as health or politics?Americans can"t always take a subtle hint when they"re being disturbing—a light-hearted comment and a change of subject will probably work.If you"re from Europe, expect to hear how many famous ancestors of your country appear in their family tree.And if you"re from Britain,that sudden odd way of speaking is probably an American"s attempt to imitate your accent—it"s meant to be joking.These days there is little in the United States that truly offends.As a universal rule,it is also wise to avoid talking about religion,money,and politics. So,now that you know what to expect,how do you go about meeting one of those 315 million Americans?As we have seen,Americans are doers,joiners,and organizers.According to the old joke, if you put two British people on a desert island,they"ll form a committee.Two Americans are more likely to set up a boat-building club,or a professional association for survivors.They can"t resist talking to someone who shares their particular passion,so whatever your professional or leisure interest,find a group and get involved.

    17. What would Americans most probably do when they meet a European?  

    AThey would correct his English accent.

    BThey would hear his opinion of America.

    CThey would inquire about Europe's health system.

    DThey would boast about their European ancestors.

  • 18. According to the writer,what should a European do to get along with Americans?  

    AJoin their groups.

    BSet up a club for them.

    CTalk about their history.

    DKeep them at a distance.

  • 19. What is the writer's attitude towards Americans?  





  • 20. What is the best title for the passage?  

    AWorking with Europeans

    BFinding out Americans’Passions

    CGetting to Know Americans

    DLearning about European Cultures

  • Clerk:Hello,welcome to North Park Hotel! 56 ? David:Hi,yes. 57 My assistant booked a room for me three days ago. Clerk: 58 ? David:Sarah Gatesby. Clerk:Ah,yes.She has booked a standard double room,non-smoking for David Black. David:Yes,that's me. Clerk: 59 ? David:Sure. 60 Clerk:Thank you.

    1. 请写出56题正确答案。()  

    AI have a reservation

    BHow do you do

    CWhat's the name,please

    DHere you are

    EHow may I help you

    FI have a very nice stay here

    GDid you have a pleasant trip

    HMay I see your ID,please

  • 2. 请写出57题正确答案。  

    AI have a reservation

    BHow do you do

    CWhat's the name,please

    DHere you are

    EHow may I help you

    FI have a very nice stay here

    GDid you have a pleasant trip

    HMay I see your ID,please

  • 3. 请写出58题正确答案。  

    AI have a reservation

    BHow do you do

    CWhat's the name,please

    DHere you are

    EHow may I help you

    FI have a very nice stay here

    GDid you have a pleasant trip

    HMay I see your ID,please

  • 4. 请写出59题正确答案。  

    AI have a reservation

    BHow do you do

    CWhat's the name,please

    DHere you are

    EHow may I help you

    FI have a very nice stay here

    GDid you have a pleasant trip

    HMay I see your ID,please

  • 5. 请写出60题正确答案。  

    AI have a reservation

    BHow do you do

    CWhat's the name,please

    DHere you are

    EHow may I help you

    FI have a very nice stay here

    GDid you have a pleasant trip

    HMay I see your ID,please

  • 1. 你(Li Yuan)要参加一次英语征文比赛,题目为My Favorite Photo。请写一篇短文参赛,内容包括: 拍照时间和地点;照片中的人物或景物;喜欢这张照片的原因。