





试卷介绍: 2023年高职单招考试英语真题汇编(一)已经整理好,需要备考的朋友们赶紧来刷题吧!



  • 1. 从下面单词中找一个括号部分读音不同的单词。()





  • 2. 从下面单词中找一个括号部分读音不同的单词。()





  • 3. 从下面单词中找一个括号部分读音不同的单词。()





  • 4. 从下面单词中找一个括号部分读音不同的单词。()





  • 5. 从下面单词中找一个括号部分读音不同的单词。()





  • 1. -What did Yang Ying say?-She said they () a school trip the next weekend.

    Awill have


    Cwould have


  • 2. The film () for half an hour when I got to the cinema yesterday.

    Ahas begun

    Bhad been on

    Chad begun

    Dhad been in

  • 3. By the time I got to the airport,Ifound I () my passport at home.


    Bwas left

    Chas left

    Dhad left

  • 4. Charles told us that he and his wife() a trip to New Zealand the next month.


    Bwill take

    Cwould take


  • 5. -Why are you unhappy?-I () always () not to do this and not to do that at home by my parents.


    Bam; warning



  • 6. Teenagers () to look after themselves from a young age.

    Ashould educate

    Bshould be educated

    Cshouldn't be educated

    Dnot should educate

  • 7. Half of the work() in two days.

    Awill finish

    Bwill be finished

    Chave been finished

    Dhas been finished

  • 8. This pair of shoes() Mum,and it () very comfortable.

    Awas made with; is felt

    Bwere made from; is felt

    Cwere made by; feels

    Dwas made by; feels

  • 9. Some people think trees ()on Tree Planting Day only.

    Ashould plant

    Bshould be planted

    Cshould be plant

    Dshould be planting

  • 10. Both his parents look sad.Maybe they () what happened to him.


    Bhave known

    Cmust know

    Dwill know

  • 11. —Is our playground still over there?-No,a large library() on it two years ago.

    Ais built

    Bwas built


    D building

  • 12. Becky took a photo of her friends while they() computer games.


    Bare playing

    Cwere playing

    Dhave played

  • 13. By the end of last month,Jane() enough money for the poor sick boy.


    Bwould raise

    Chad raised

    Dhas raised

  • 14. The villagers expect that the building of the bridge() before the rainy season comes.

    Ais completed

    Bwas completed

    Cwill be completed

    Dhas been completed

  • 15. According to NASA,in 2024 the first woman () on the moon.

    Ais landed

    Bwas landed

    Chas been landed

    Dwill be landed

  • 16. -I can't find Mr.Brown in the office.Where is he?-He() Beijing for an important meeting.

    Ahas been to

    Bhas been in

    Chas gone to

    Dwent to

  • 17. I think he () us something interesting about Germany because he () there before.

    Awill tell; went

    Bhas told:went

    Cwill tell; has been

    Dhas told; has gone

  • 18. -Was Tom in the classroom at this time yesterday?- No,he () football on the playground.



    Cis playing

    Dwas playing

  • 19. Dad () the USA in two weeks.

    Ais leave for

    Bleaves for

    Cis leaving for

    Dleft for

  • 20. -Did Jerry () any magic tricks yesterday?-No,but he a song.

    Aperformed; () sang

    Bperformed; sing

    Cperform; sang

    Dperform; sing

  • 21. -What is your plan for next weekend,Lingling?—I () volunteer work in the museum.

    Awas doing


    Chave done

    Dam going to do

  • 22. In the past five years the number of women teachers in the area () from 100 to 200.

    Aare increasing

    Bis increasing

    Chave increased

    Dhas increased

  • 23. My father often() to the gym with me though he has lots of work to do.


    Bhas gone


    Dwill go

  • 24. Our teacher told us that light() much faster than sound.



    C is travelling

    Dwas travelling

  • 25. —Jack,I'm busy doing the washing.Can you give me a hand?—Wait a moment.I () the bed.

    Aam making

    Bwill make

    Cwas making

    Dhave made

  • 26. China plans to let tourists () these islands this year.





  • 27. We () rubbish in the park to keep it clean.

    Apick up

    Bget up

    Cpick out

    Dlook out

  • 28. -What's wrong with you,Eric? You look tired.-I () to prepare for the final exam last night.

    Apicked up

    Bwoke up

    Cstayed up

    Dput up

  • 29. -What a heavy rain!- So it is.Iprefer() rather than() on such a rainy day.

    Ato go out; stay at home

    Bto stay at home; go out

    Cgoing out; stay at home

    Dstaying at home; go out

  • 30. -It's everyone's duty to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign(光盘行动).Sure,we should try to() all the food that we have ordered.

    Aget up

    Bshow up

    Ceat up

    Dturn up

  • 1. 单句改错,选出括号里的错误选项,并改正。Those poor [A](children) will [B](be happy). [C](only if) we [D](will help) them.
  • 2. 单句改错,选出括号里的错误选项,并改正。[A](The teacher) often [B](asked us) [C](don't speak) [D](in class) .
  • 3. 单句改错,选出括号里的错误选项,并改正。Danny [A](said) that he [B](hadn't) finished [C](doing) his lessons [D](already) .
  • 4. 单句改错,选出括号里的错误选项,并改正。[A](A group of us) [B](is) going to help [C](the elderly) [D](do socleaning).
  • 5. 单句改错,选出括号里的错误选项,并改正。[A](We’re) [B](tired) now. [C](What about) [D](have a rest), sir?
  • 从下面选择适当的词填空,完成句子,每词只用一次。
    under,behind,below,in front of,near,above,inside,outside,over,across

    1. Come out,boy. Don't hide () that big tree.
  • 2. Sam's home is () the railway station.
  • 3. By the end of last month he had swum () the Yellow River four times.
  • 4. 用适当的介词填空,完成句子。When I saw him,he was heading () home.
  • 5. Light travels ()(每秒30万公里).
  • 1. (改写句子,句意不变,每空只填一个词) He didn't leave anything and went out.
    He went out()()().
  • 2. (改写句子,句意不变,每空只填一个词) The boy is too weak to swim across the river.
    The boy isn't()()()swim across the river.
  • 3. (改写句子,句意不变,每空只填一个词) He's so strong that he can carry the heavy tree.
    He's strong ()()carry the heavy tree.
  • 4. (改写句子,句意不变,每空只填一个词) He doesn't know how he can get to the station.
    He doesn't know ()()()to the station.
  • 5. (改写句子,句意不变,每空只填一个词) The person had to go home for a month.I was working with her.
    The person ()()I was working had to go home for a month.
  • 1.       假如你是体育委员,下周五3:30在校操场有一场2班和3班的足球比赛。请用英语写一则通知欢迎同学们前往观看。词数:50~70。  
  • 2.           假如你们学校“英语爱好者俱乐部”将对“良好饮食习惯”这一话题进行讨论。 请根据下列提示,用英语写一篇发言稿。内容要点应包括:     注意:1.发言稿必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;              2.发言稿开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;              3.词数:100左右;              参考词汇:偏食be particular about food,零食snack Dear friends,        As we all know,we are what we eat. Therefore,it's very important for us to form healthy eating habits._________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________       That's all. Thank you!  
  • 3. 请用英语表述下列内容。
    4.大家希望他能取得好成绩,请你给李明提些建议(至少两点)。 要求:
  • 4.  你叫王冰,请给班主任张老师写一张请假条。 事由:母亲突然生病,发高烧,住院,需要人照料。父亲出差去上海。 事假:3天。 日期:9月15日。 其他:表示尽快返校,补上所缺课程。 注意:不要使用自己的真实姓名。 词数:60~80。  
  • 5.    
  •   Justin knew there was only one way out of his neighborhood—basketball. So he(1) hard,running with the ball like the (2) dogs were chasing(追逐)him.He could defeat any of the guys at the (3) and he saw his way out and he ran for it.
      One day when Justin was playing basketball,he (4) his right knee badly. The doctor said he might never play (5) . Justin was extremely sad. Every day Justin just (6) in bed,watching TV and eating potato chips.When he (7) like a balloon, his sister came home from the university on holiday,bringing exciting (8) of a faraway land called college.
      Justin was (9) by the dorm stories and campus (10)that she told,but he could(11) believe any of them.It was as if she were telling him about some (12) land high above the clouds.
      Justin was a pretty (13) guy,but his sister had a way of (14) him to do things that nobody else could. So while she was home during the (15) ,they studied together,and they talked,and they worked,and Justin felt (16) than he ever had before.
      After spending those (17) with his sister,Justin realized that he didn't want to feel bad for himself any more,and he didn't want to quit.Basketball (18) be his thing,but now there was only (19) . Using the study skills Justin had acquired from his sister, he scored (20) in every exam. The university that he applied to accepted him.

    1. 第1空填()。





  • 2. 第2空填()。





  • 3. 第3空填()。

    A top


    C back


  • 4. 第4空填()。

    A injured




  • 5. 第5空填()。





  • 6. 第6空填()。

    A played




  • 7. 第7空填()。

    A stayed up

    Blooked up

    Cgrew up

    Dblew up

  • 8. 第8空填()。

    A tales




  • 9. 第9空填()。





  • 10. 第10空填()。





  • 11. 第11空填()。



    C really


  • 12. 第12空填()。

    A foreign




  • 13. 第13空填()。

    A lazy


    C regular


  • 14. 第14空填()。





  • 15. 第15空填()。





  • 16. 第16空填()。





  • 17. 第17空填()。





  • 18. 第18空填()。

    Aused to

    Bought to

    Chad to

    Dgot to

  • 19. 第19空填()。





  • 20. 第20空填()。



    C little


  • On May 22, 2021, the whole nation was saddened by the news that Chinese scientist Yuan Longping died .  Dr Yuan Longping worked most of his life growing better rice. As a result of his research, the Chinese people are no longer worried about getting starved . His great work also helped the world produce more and more rice.  Yuan, born on Sept. 7, 1930. After graduating(毕业.) from Southwest Agriculture College, he worked as a teacher at an agriculture school in Hunan.  Several natural disasters(天灾)hit China in the 1960s. Yuan, saw many people die of hunger every day. Since then, he has researched how to grow much better crops.  In 1964 , he happened to find a natural hybrid rice(杂交水稻)plant that had great advantages over others. Yuan was excited about his discovery. He then began to study the parts of this unusual plant.  In 1973,  he started to develop a type of hybrid rice species(种类). It produced 20% more rice per unit than common ones. The seeding(种植)was very successful in the following year. This progress made China the world’s leader in rice production.   More than 50% of China’s total rice fields grow Yuan’s hybrid species. People call him the Father of Hybrid Rice.  Yuan once said he had two dreams — to enjoy the cool under the rice crops taller than men and that hybrid rice could be grown all over the world to help solve the food problem of the whole world .

    1. What does the underlined word starved in paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?______    




  • 2. What can we learn about Yuan Longping according to the third paragraph?______    

    AHe was born into a scientist’s family. 

    BHe was once a teacher at an agriculture school.

    CHe graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1930. 

  • 3. When did Yuan Longping succeed in seeding hybrid rice?______    

    AIn 1964 

    BIn 1973

    CIn 1974 

  • 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the last three paragraphs?______    

    AYuan’s hybrid rice can provide all people in the world with rice. 

    BYuan’s hybrid rice is grown in all of China’s rice fields.

    CYuan’s hybrid rice made China the world’s leader in rice production. 

  • 5. What does the story mainly talk about?______    

    AThe Father of hybrid Rice. 

    BHow to grow rice.

    CDifferent rice species. 

  • We’ve all had bad experiences with restaurants, stores or hotels. Maybe you’ve been to a restaurant that served terrible food . Perhaps you’ve been to a store that had high prices and bad service. Or maybe you’ve booked a hotel and found out later that the room was nothing like the advertisement(广告).       These days, we have a better chance of stopping these unpleasant surprises. We can do this by using apps. An app is a computer program on a smartphone. You can use apps to do almost anything. App can help you play games, get directions, talk to friends, and so on.       If you want to find information about a store or a hotel, you can use a review app. Review apps help us evaluate(评价)service and products before we hand over our money. The idea is very simple. After you go to a restaurant or stay in a hotel, you can post a review with one of your apps. You can say anything you want. If you like a hotel that you stayed in, you can tell people that it was wonderful. If you think that the food in a certain restaurant was bad, then you can tell people not to eat there. Other people can use their app to read your reviews.       Plenty of people prefer not to use these review apps. Many of these people think that it’s a waste of time to look through websites and read reviews. These people prefer to go out and decide for themselves whether or not a service is good . However,  review apps are getting more and more popular every day. Some apps are for exact services. For example, trip adviser gives attention to travel, and good reader pays attention to books. There are also other larger apps that provide information for just about every service that you can think of.

    6. What does the article say about apps?______    

    AYou can use apps for many things. 

    BThere are very few good apps.

    CApps are only useful for travel. 

    DApps are very expensive to use. 

  • 7. If you want to book a hotel, how can a review app help you?______    

    AIt can help you write better reviews. 

    BIt can tell you how to use a smartphone.

    CIt can tell you about the hotel before you book it. 

    DIt can tell you about other people who post reviews. 

  • 8. In the third paragraph, what does the underlined word it refer to?______    

    AA restaurant 

    BA hotel

    CA review 

    DA store 

  • 9. According to the article, why do some people prefer NOT to use review apps?______    

    AThey don’t trust review apps. 

    BThey think review apps are too hard .

    CThey prefer to make their own decisions. 

    DThey don’t know how to use review apps. 

  • 10. Where can you probably find the passage?______    

    AIn a music magazine. 

    BIn a travel guide book.

    CIn a story book

    DIn a newspaper. 

  • Governments and businesses worldwide are creating smartphone apps to help track the spread of COVID-19. Tracking the spread of a disease is an important step in stopping its outbreak(爆发). By tracking down people who have been in contact with COVID-19 patients, health researchers can warn them, and keep COVID-19 from spreading further. This is called contact tracing(接触者追踪). As governments remove COVID-19 limits, they’ll need to be able to quickly find and control new outbreaks. Contact tracing will be an important part of the process. But because COVID-19 spreads so quickly to so many people, it’s almost impossible to trace all contacts with phone calls. That’s why many people hope that digital contact tracing with smartphones will help. Most contact tracing apps collect information about where people have gone and the people they’ve had contact with. The apps can tell users when one of their recent contacts has been found to have COVID-19. Some systems also tell governments or health care workers. Now many apps have been developed all over the world . But some people worry the apps are being made too quickly and may not protect people’s private information. What do you think of this kind of app?

    11. Contact tracing apps are mainly used on ______.    





  • 12. To prevent COVID-19 from spreading further, we’d better ______.    

    Abring smartphones 

    Bcontrol all people’s movements

    Ctrack down people who have been in contact with COVID-19 patients 

    Dtell governments or health care workers 

  • 13. What does the underlined word they in Paragraph 3 refer to?______    




    DHealth care workers 

  • 14. What’s the disadvantage of the contact tracing apps?______    

    ATo control the spread of the COVID-19. 

    BTo make health care workers in danger.

    CTo trace all contacts with patients. 

    DTo make people’s private information public probably. 

  • 15. The passage may be ______.    

    Aa story 

    Ba science article

    Ca notice 

    Da speech 

  • Duan Jiayang, a 12-year-old student of a primary school in Yinchuan, Ningxia, learns the skills required to take care of vegetable fields. I learned how to place the mulch film(地膜), he says, It’s not easy. In China, many parents place a heavy focus on their children’s good results, but vocational(职业的)skills have little been cared .  Some parents do everything for their children, says Yan Mei, an official with the primary school, adding that many students are short of the basic skills needed in their daily lives. For example, Yan says, some parents would do the school’s general cleaning instead of their children. Since March last year, the governments have launched a lot of policies, requiring that colleges, middle schools and primary schools pay more attention to teaching students practical skills. Following these policies, the primary school launched an agricultural(农业的)class base on one of its schoolyards. Students plant fruit and vegetables on an area of land about 4,000㎡ in size. In the days coming up to the May Day holiday, students of various grades at the school worked together in the fields, says school principal Yang Bo. They planted watermelon, carrot and corn. May Day, also known as Labor Day, is celebrated on May 1st in China .  The school hopes that students will understand the food is quite precious so that they will better realize the difficulties that their parents went through.

    16. What does Duan Jiayang think of this activity?______    





  • 17. What do many parents care most in the passage?______    

    AChildren’s life skills 

    BChildren’s high marks

    CTeachers’ skills course 

    DTeachers’ teaching level 

  • 18. Which of the following crops is not mentioned according to the passage?______    





  • 19. What can students learn from the agricultural class?______    

    AStudents will understand the importance of labor. 

    BStudents can realize the difficulties their parents went through.

    CStudents can learn the basic life skills. 

    DAll of the above. 

  • 20. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?______    

    AYouths Get a Lesson in Life through Skills Course 

    BDuan Jiayang, a Hard-working Student

    CSchools Follow the Governments’ Policies 

    DParents Hope for Children’s Good Results in School 

  • Toby:Hello,I'd like to see Mr.Hunter,please.
    Sally: (1)
    Toby:Well,I'm here about the job. I'm Toby Brown.
    Sally:Nice to meet you.I'm Sally Kent,Mr. Hunter's partner. (2)
    Toby:Thank you.
    Sally:I have some questions,Mr. Brown. (3)
    Toby:No,I can't. But I can play computer games very well.
    Sally:That's nice. (4)
    Toby:Umm,just one.
    Sally:And what's that? French? Chinese?
    Toby:No,just English.
    Toby: (5)How many windows are there in the building?
    Sally:Pardon?Are you applying for the assistant manager's job?
    Toby:Me?No,I'm a window cleaner.

    1. 第(1)空填()

    AAnd how many languages can you speak?

    BCan you use a computer?

    CHave a seat,please.

    DHow are you?

    EI'm sorry he isn't here at the moment.

    FWhere are you from?

    GExcuse me,

  • 2. 第(2)空填()

    AAnd how many languages can you speak?

    BCan you use a computer?

    CHave a seat,please.

    DHow are you?

    EI'm sorry he isn't here at the moment.

    FWhere are you from?

    GExcuse me,

  • 3. 第(3)空填()

    AAnd how many languages can you speak?

    BCan you use a computer?

    CHave a seat,please.

    DHow are you?

    EI'm sorry he isn't here at the moment.

    FWhere are you from?

    GExcuse me,

  • 4. 第(4)空填()

    AAnd how many languages can you speak?

    BCan you use a computer?

    CHave a seat,please.

    DHow are you?

    EI'm sorry he isn't here at the moment.

    FWhere are you from?

    GExcuse me,

  • 5. 第(5)空填()

    AAnd how many languages can you speak?

    BCan you use a computer?

    CHave a seat,please.

    DHow are you?

    EI'm sorry he isn't here at the moment.

    FWhere are you from?

    GExcuse me,

  • 1. 假如你叫李华,你想给你的笔友Jack写一封信介绍你自己的情况。要点如下: 注意:
    1. 词数:60—80词;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。