2023-05-24 11:16:19

  在这篇文章中,我们将为您提供20道成人学位英语试题及其答案。这些试题涵盖了英语语法、词汇、阅读理解等方面,希望对您的学习和备考有所帮助。  题目: 下列选项中,哪个是代词?
  A. book
  B. teacher
  C. he
  D. run
  答案: C
  题目: 请选择正确的单词拼写。
  A. ocassion
  B. occassion
  C. occasion
  D. occaision
  答案: C
  题目: 选择与下列句子意思相近的短语。
  "I'm feeling under the weather today."
  A. I'm feeling sick today.
  B. I'm feeling energetic today.
  C. I'm feeling happy today.
  D. I'm feeling bored today.
  答案: A
  题目: 请找出下列句子中的主语。
  "The dog chased the cat up the tree."
  A. chased
  B. cat
  C. dog
  D. tree
  答案: C
  题目: 下列选项中,哪个是不可数名词?
  A. apple
  B. water
  C. book
  D. chair
  答案: B
  题目: 请选择正确的动词形式填空。
  "She ________ to the store every day."
  A. go
  B. goes
  C. went
  D. going
  答案: B
  题目: 选择正确的比较级形式。
  "This book is ________ than the one I read before."
  A. good
  B. better
  C. best
  D. more good
  答案: B
  题目: 请找出下列句子中的宾语。
  "I bought a new laptop yesterday."
  A. I
  B. bought
  C. new
  D. laptop
  答案: D
  题目: 请选择正确的副词形式填空。
  "She sings ________ in the choir."
  A. beautiful
  B. beautifully
  C. beauty
  D. beautify
  答案: B
  题目: 选择最合适的短语完成句子。
  "I'm sorry, but I ________ your question."
  A. didn't understand
  B. don't understand
  C. won't understand
  D. hadn't understood
  答案: A
  题目: 下列选项中,哪个词是形容词?
  A. run
  B. quickly
  C. happy
  D. jump
  答案: C
  题目: 请选出下列句子的反义词。
  "The weather today is pleasant and sunny."
  A. cold
  B. hot
  C. rainy
  D. cloudy
  答案: C
  题目: 请选择正确的介词填空。
  "She walked ________ the park."
  A. in
  B. on
  C. at
  D. for
  答案: A
  题目: 选择与下列单词发音相同的词。
  A. right
  B. read
  C. red
  D. rain
  答案: A
  题目: 下列选项中,哪个词是副词?
  A. house
  B. slowly
  C. cat
  D. table
  答案: B
  题目: 请找出下列句子中的定语。
  "The tall man wearing a hat is my uncle."
  A. tall
  B. man
  C. wearing
  D. hat
  答案: A
  题目: 请选择正确的时态填空。
  "I ________ dinner when the phone rang."
  A. eat
  B. ate
  C. am eating
  D. was eating
  答案: D
  题目: 选择与下列短语意思相反的短语。
  "arrive early"
  A. arrive late
  B. arrive soon
  C. arrive quickly
  D. arrive slowly
  答案: A
  题目: 请选出下列句子中的主谓宾结构。
  "Sheila plays the piano beautifully."
  A. Sheila plays
  B. plays the piano
  C. plays beautifully
  D. the piano beautifully
  答案: B
  题目: 选择最佳的单词填空。
  "I can't find my ________ anywhere."
  A. phone
  B. friend
  C. car
  D. book
  答案: A


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