
<p class="introTit">单选题</p><p>1、第(32)题选()。</p><ul><li>A:standard</li><li>B:problem</li><li>C:reason</li><li>D:purpose</li></ul><p>答 案:B</p><p>解 析:题意是:但有时缺雨对居住在这里的人来说是个问题。problem表示问题,所以本题选B。</p><p>2、--I’m terribly sorry. My car broke down and I can’t take you home.--(). I can walk home.</p><ul><li>A:It’s my pleasure</li><li>B:It doesn’t matter</li><li>C:What a shame</li><li>D:I’m afraid not</li></ul><p>答 案:B</p><p>解 析:本题的题意是:--非常抱歉。我的车坏了,我不能送你回家了。--没关系。我可以走路回家。选项It doesn’t matter意为没关系,符合题意。</p><p>3、The word “underdog” in Paragraph 1 probably refers to________.</p><ul><li>A:smart high school students</li><li>B:dogs that are not liked by their owners</li><li>C:students who need help to succeed</li><li>D:poor company workers</li></ul><p>答 案:C</p><p>解 析:推理判断题。 根据第一段可知,为了充分利用课余时间,南希在过去的几年里一直在帮助一名高中差生。由此振断出underdog指的是需要他人在学业上予以帮助的学生。故本题选C。</p><p class="introTit">主观题</p><p>1、请在54处填写最佳答案。</p><p>答 案:What' s your name</p><p>2、提示:原本擅长化学的Cathy考试时因粗心漏做一页试题。她正闷闷不乐时遇见了Mary。 <br />( Mary = M ; Cathy = C ) <br />M : Hi, Cathy, you don' t look happy. 51 ? <br />C : I didn' t do well in the chemistry test. <br />M : Really? I could hardly believe it. Everyone knows you are 52 . <br />C : But this time 53 . <br />M : What happened? <br />C : I missed 54 . <br />M : What a pity ! So 55 next time ! <br />C : Yes, I will.</p><p>答 案:51.What' s wrong/the matter 52.very good at it/chemistry 53.I was too careless/I failed/I didn' t do well 54.a whole page(of the test) 55.be eareful</p><p>3、请根据中文提示,回答________51________对话中缺少的内容。</p><p>答 案:What can I do for you</p><p class="introTit">填空题</p><p>1、第(55)填()。</p><p>答 案:I’ll be there in a few minutes</p><p>2、第 (52)题答案为().</p><p>答 案:How old are they</p><p>3、第(51)空填()。</p><p>答 案:where shall we go</p><p class="introTit">写作题</p><p>1、假设你是小明,光明中学的学生,你给你的好友小华写信讲述你的美国之行。内容包括:先去了纽约,看到许多摩天大楼,但看不到世贸大厦了;两天后去了洛杉矶(Los Angeles),参观了好莱坞,游览了迪斯尼乐园;还去了内华达(Nevada)的里诺(Reno),游览了风景优美的大沪(Dahu)湖。<br />注意:<br />1.不要逐字翻译,叙述要连贯。<br />2.词数应为100左右。</p><p>答 案:One possible version:<br />Dear Xiao Hua,<br />I have just come back from a trip to the United States. I had a very good time there.<br />I first went to New York. It is really a very big city. I saw quite many skyscrapers there. But the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center are no more to be seen. Two days later I went to Los Angeles. I visited Hollywood on the day I got there. After that I spent a whole day in Disneyland. It is really a wonderful place you shouldn' t miss. I also went to Reno, Nevada. There is a beautiful lake named Dahu. The scenery there is attractive!<br />I hope you will take a trip to the United States some day.<br />Love,<br />Xiao Ming</p>