2023-10-16 12:19:25


1、One spot of the sea near Japan is_______.

  • A:nearly nine kilometres deep
  • B:almost eleven kilometres high
  • C:two kilometres above the highest mountain in the world
  • D:two kilometres deeper than the height of the world's highest mountain

答 案:D

解 析:事实细节题。由文章第二段的内容可知,邻近日本的一片海城差不多深11千米,比世界上最高的山脉还深两千米。


  • A:seat
  • B:seating
  • C:sitting
  • D:sit

答 案:C

解 析:固定用法题。此处意为:看到两个学生坐在草地上。see sb. doing th.看见某人正在做某事。当人作主语时,seat只能用分词形式seated。


  • A:wished
  • B:expected
  • C:needed
  • D:wanted

答 案:C

解 析:词义辨析题。wish希望;expect期望;need需要;wart想要。此处表示“所需要的”睡眠,故选C。


1、根据中文提示,把     54      缺少的内容写在线上。

答 案:next Monday


答 案:How about going to the museum

3、提示:Henry和妻子准备请朋友吃饭。Henry打电话到餐厅预约,女服务员接听了电话。 ( Waitress = W ; Henry = H) W : Star Restaurant. 51__________? H : Yes. I' d like to book a table for dinner this evening. W : 52__________, please? H:My name is Henry James. W: 53__________? H : Four people. Can we have a table by the window, please? W : No problem, sir. 54__________? H : We' 11 arrive at 7: 30. W : All right, sir. I' ve taken everything down. H :Thank you very much. W: 55__________.

答 案:51.Can I help you 52.What' s your name/May l have your nane 53.How many people( are coming) 54.When/What time will you arrive 55.You' re welcome



答 案:I'll be there in a few minutes


答 案:this is Mary(speaking)/I am Mary


答 案:How are you


1、假设你是小明,光明中学的学生,你给你的好友小华写信讲述你的美国之行。内容包括:先去了纽约,看到许多摩天大楼,但看不到世贸大厦了;两天后去了洛杉矶(Los Angeles),参观了好莱坞,游览了迪斯尼乐园;还去了内华达(Nevada)的里诺(Reno),游览了风景优美的大沪(Dahu)湖。注意:1.不要逐字翻译,叙述要连贯。2.词数应为100左右。

答 案:One possible version:Dear Xiao Hua,
  I have just come back from a trip to the United States. I had a very good time there.
  I first went to New York. It is really a very big city. I saw quite many skyscrapers there. But the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center are no more to be seen. Two days later I went to Los Angeles. I visited Hollywood on the day I got there. After that I spent a whole day in Disneyland. It is really a wonderful place you shouldn't miss. I also went to Reno,Nevada. There is a beautiful lake named Dahu. The scenery there is attractive!
  I hope you will take a trip to the United States some day.
                                                                                                                                           Xiao Ming
